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Our Response to the Coronavirus

1 min read

Written by Ben Newton

17 March, 2020

Over the past weeks we have been watching the concerning spread of the Coronavirus along with the rest of you. As more and more Governments encourage people to limit personal contact, we’ve decided to take action to help facilitate remote moderated testing so that UX professionals can continue to get the job done while in relative isolation.

Until the end of May 2020 we are:

  1. Increasing the limits on our Rapid Insights plan
    From 5 participants per project to 15 and from 3 projects per month to 6.
  2. Cutting the price of our monthly Pro subscription for new customers
    $249 per month is now $199 per month
  3. Extending all trials of Loop11 from 14 to 25 days

To take advantage of the Pro subscription offer please use the coupon code below when purchasing your subscription.


For those teaching or studying UX-related courses in schools, universities, or educational institutions please be aware that Loop11 has and always will be free for you to use.

Stay healthy, and thank you for using Loop11.

Toby Biddle
CEO, Loop11

P.S. Please forward this to the teachers you know or anyone else you know who think could benefit – we’d love to help as many people as we can.


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