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How to maximize the use of UX research repositories in your organization

5 min read
Nancy Howard

Written by Nancy Howard, UX and SEO specialist

29 August, 2022

Spreading research across organizations has become one of the hottest topics in UX research, as it’s important to reveal research results to the right people at the right time. Ensuring the maximum impact of UX research repositories within organizations is challenging, but your organization can handle it professionally.

Undoubtedly, UX should be the highest priority for digital marketers in 2022 and beyond. A successful research project doesn’t end after being presented to stakeholders. It should ensure all insights are reflected on the product’s roadmap and can be leveraged to keep the product moving forward towards perfection. UX research repositories make data collection, synthesis and analysis, reporting, and follow-up easier, allowing your product to reach the product-market fit faster. How can you improve the value of your user research project to create better web page design templates? Let’s find it out using the most effective and actionable tips.

Share the findings using relevant formats 

It’s worth mentioning this on this checklist. Run quick research within your company while getting ready for your presentation. Learn what formats other teams and stakeholders use to enjoy your work. Send a newsletter to stakeholders and internal teams to ensure they can join your presentation.

  • While recording a video presentation, take your time to create video summaries that you can share via Slack, Notion, or any other tools you use.
  • Share the important information with the right teams via Slack or other channels.
  • Host a usability movie night where you present short video clips featuring your usability tests. This way, you can give stakeholders and other team members a better understanding of your customer’s user experience.
  • Instead of keeping your findings text-heavy, translate your findings into a catching infographic.

Ensure everyone in your team has access to your findings

Your UX research repository should be easy to use and find by your colleagues. You should give them access to the findings and results from your research interviews regardless of their roles in your company. The best way to do it is to build a shared UX research repository.

The goal is to democratize the knowledge without keeping your findings isolated. The UX research repository should be searchable and usable enough to give access to the needed information to everyone involved in creating and improving user experiences.

With a shared UX research repository, you can:

  • Make it a habit for the rest of your team to use the repository to get more knowledge about user pain points, feedback, essential features, etc.
  • Find and surface the right insights to the right people at the right time.
  • Use feedback loops for you and your team to find insights on how to improve the UX.

UX research repositories let you do much more than only planning and tracking user interviews. If you want to maximize UX research repositories in your organization, you need to focus on the ones that surface relevant insights whenever someone wants to find them.

Improve web page design template

You need to be especially specific with UX research when using it for improving designs and web page design templates in particular. If you want the best results, don’t rely on the early research you used to extract design insights. Instead, you’d better run quick 1:1s with those customers who got what they needed.

You need to understand the deciding factors and benefits of the onboarding experience. How can you get this information? Customer interviews are the first source of such insights.

TemplateMonster, one of the leading providers of ready-to-go web design solutions for all needs and purposes, shares the following recommendations as to how you can find out whether your findings influence the web page design template:

  • Ask the web design team to include your suggestions in their work. Translate your findings into a user story that you can upload to the web development team’s backlog.
  • Create a story that you can share with the product design team. The best and the most convenient way of doing it by using Slack or other communications tools.

Share your insights with marketing and sales teams

Your UX research results should be especially helpful for marketing and sales teams. Not all your findings will likely be related to your company’s products and web page design templates. You will also share valuable insights and interesting ideas inspired by your customers’ stories as per how you can better market and sell your assets with better messaging and content.

If you find out that a particular feature or element of your product appealed to your customers the most, you can use this knowledge as the foundation for your future marketing campaigns. It’s very likely there are more clients who will share similar emotions and reflections about the functionality you promote.

There are many ways how you can use UX research repositories to collaborate with marketing and sales. Some of them include:

  • In many companies, marketing and sales teams do not have boards where they can share user stories. However, you can also encourage them to use UX research repositories to improve their promo and sales campaigns. Add your colleagues from the marketing and sales teams to the shared UX research repositories so that they get ideas as to how they can leverage insights from your research conversations.
  • Create a dedicated Slack channel and post the findings and insights worth the marketing and sales teams’ special attention. By looking through the results of your research, every team member will learn what makes your product better than competitors and how you can cater to your target audience more effectively.

Bottom line

Presenting UX research findings to stakeholders and other teams inside your company is one of the proven ways of making an impact as a UX researcher. Digging deeper and trying to judge on behalf of your customers should help your company find your path to gaining better results quicker. UX research repositories let you make decisions based not only on your assumptions but also on the findings from real people dealing with your brand.

Nancy Howard
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