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New Loop11 feature: Transcripts

1 min read

Written by Toby Biddle

19 January, 2022

We’re super excited to announce a new feature that makes reviewing user test videos more efficient: Transcripts.

When you get videos back from your user tests, it can be hard to find an insight amidst all the verbal comments. That’s why Loop11 has developed a new feature that automatically transcribes verbal comments into text, so you can quickly scan a list of key insights and make informed decisions about your website.

With transcripts, you can easily review the valuable feedback collected through your user tests—and use it to improve your website!

How do they work?

Transcripts are generated by machine-driven speech recognition software and may not be 100% accurate. As such, we recommend using transcripts as a tool to help speed up your review of large numbers of videos rather than as a standard for accuracy.

How can I get them?

Transcripts are available for all customer videos with Pro or Enterprise subscriptions. The transcribed comments will appear in a new tab in your video player like this:

The transcriptions should help you save hours of valuable time by allowing you to focus on the most important elements of user videos.

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