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Loop11 – A look back at 2011

2 min read

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10 January, 2012

2011 was a big year, not just for world despots, but for Loop11 too. Whilst global dictators everywhere fell to revolutions, Loop11 contributed its part to the remote, unmoderated usability testing revolution. As revealed in the recent UPA biennial survey the use of remote unmoderated testing grew by 28%. Our own usage statistics also show some interesting figures which we thought we would share with you here.

Here are some big numbers about Loop11 in 2011:

60,456 participants:

That’s right! 60,456 participants from all over the world took part in Loop11 usability testing projects. From Brazil to Japan and students to retirees, people of all ages and places participated in Loop11 usability tests.

2165 usability testing projects created:

2165 different projects were created using Loop11. Whether our customers wanted to test a current website, benchmark their competitors or test a new design, Loop11’s various capabilities allowed them to conduct a variety of usability studies.

34 languages:

Projects were created in 34 of the 42 different languages available. Of the 2165 projects created, 72% were in English followed by 4% in Spanish, 3% in German and 2% in Portuguese.

Over 30 countries:

Our customers from all around the world used Loop11 to conduct remote usability studies. From China to Australia, Loop11 was used by people everywhere and anywhere to conduct remote usability testing!

Dozens of different devices:

As more and more people used Loop11, one of our best features really came to fore. Loop11 was used to conduct usability testing on an array of different internet enabled devices. PCs, iPhones, iPads, Androids and all sorts of other internet enabled devices. We even had someone test the usability of an ATM interface by putting the interface online and using an iPad as the touchscreen. Now that is genius!

4,300 new customers:

Overall, it was a great year for Loop11. With 4300 new customers who signing up  to Loop11.

We’re sure 2012 will be an even better year. With the growing demand for remote usability testing, and with more new cutting edge features and quirky promotions coming your way, we aim to raise the bar once again.

Happy New Year and Happy Testing!

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